Follow all 5 steps in this tutorial to set up Google Consent Mode V2 for your website.

Why do you need to implement consent mode for your website?

To keep using Google Ads measurement, ads personalization and remarketing features, you must collect consent from end users based in the EEA to share consent signals with Google.

Google Ads notice about Consent for ads personalization

Disclaimer: Before getting started, consult with your legal department/expert regarding data and privacy. This tutorial only shows how to technically implement Google Consent Mode V2 using a CMP, it does not guarantee data and privacy compliance for your specific business.

*This guide is not sponsored, affiliated, endorsed or administered by Google or Cookiebot in any way. This guide was created to provide the ppc community with a technical tutorial on implementing consent mode V2. Check official sources for up-to-date information.

Now let’s get started!

Step 1: Choose a Google CMP (Consent Management Platform)

In this tutorial, I’m using Cookiebot as a CMP. But you can choose your own favorite partner. Here’s a link where you can find all official Google CMP Partners:

Search for a CMP Partner

I’m using Google Tag Manager to implement Consent Mode. Be sure to first set up your accounts. Accounts ready? Then navigate to ‘Container Settings’ in GTM.

Google Tag Manager – Container Settings

Step 2: Set up Google Tag Manager for Consent Mode

Enable consent overview in the Container Settings of your Google Tag Manager account. This option enables new consent functionality in GTM.

Enable consent overview in Google Tag Manager

Now continue by navigating to your Tags overview and select to create a New tag.

Hit the ‘New’ button.

Google Tag Manager – Create New Tag

Step 3: Configure the Cookiebot CPM tag

Search the gallery for ‘Cookiebot CMP’ and add it to your workspace. Provide required permissions. (If you are already working with Cookiebot, then update to the latest version.)

Google Tag Manager – Search the gallery
Google Tag Manager – Find Cookiebot CMP in the gallery

Now enter your Cookiebot ID. You can get this ID from your user account. Copy/paste the Domain Group ID attached to your website(s).

Enter you Cookiebot ID

Enable Google Consent Mode. Cookiebot will then automatically signal the user’s consent to tags that rely on the Google’s consent API.

Set the default consent state for users in different geographical regions if needed. Or leave blank to apply globally.

Cookiebot – Add region setting
Cookiebot – Set default consent state per region

Click ‘Add’ at the top right to save your changes.

Create a trigger to fire the Cookiebot tag. It should fire on all pages using the ‘Consent initialization – All pages’ trigger.

Google Tag Manager – Select the Consent initialization Trigger

This is how your final tag should look like (except for the example value of the Cookiebot ID). Now hit ‘Save’ to create your tag.

Google Tag Manager – Cookiebot tag

Step 4: Debug and publish your setup

When you debug and publish your tag, the Cookiebot consent banner should appear on your website from the moment a user visits your website.

Cookiebot – Preview consent banner

Cookiebot uses 4 consent types categories: necessary, preferences, statistics and marketing. Users can choose to enable or disable each of these categories.

The Consent Mode V2 introduces 2 new consent types: ‘ad_personalization’ and ‘ad_user_data’. Both are mapped to the ‘marketing’ Cookiebot type.

When people choose to enable ‘Marketing’ cookies, it will grant consent for ‘ad_storage’, ‘ad_personalization’ and ‘ad_user_data’.

Cookiebot – Preview marketing consent

Step 5: Verify built-in consent checks

When a tag supports ‘Built-in Consent Checks’, you can use a default trigger like ‘All Pages’ for it to fire. It will first check consent before firing the tag.

Google Tag Manager – Built-in consent checks

Tags such as the Google Tag, Google Ads, Floodlight and Conversion Linker all have built-in consent checks. No additional consent configuration is needed for these tags.

However, if you add new Tags that don’t have built-in consent checks (e.g. a Meta Pixel tag), then you need to ‘Require additional consent for the tag to fire’.

Google Tag Manager – Require additional consent checks

For Tags that require additional consent, you need to use a custom event Trigger that first checks the latest user consent state before firing the tag.

Google Tag Manager – Cookie consent update trigger

Create a new Trigger and select ‘Custom Event’ as the Trigger Type. Use ‘cookie_consent_update’ as the Event name. Fire on ‘All Custom Events’.

Google Tag Manager – Custom event cookie consent update

When you’re done configuring consent for all your tags. You can then debug and preview the consent configuration. All consent types are denied when no consent is given.

Debug Event Consent State

When people choose to enable ‘Marketing’ cookies, it will grant consent for ‘ad_storage’, ‘ad_personalization’ and ‘ad_user_data’.

Debug Event Consent State Marketing

Congratulations! You have now successfully implemented Google Consent Mode V2. Allow some time for Google to detect your changes.

About the Author


Bram Van der Hallen is an all-round Belgian Digital Marketer and Meta Ads expert with 16+ years experience in media planning and buying.Bram talks about Meta Ads and all things Digital Marketing on his social media and website, where more than 85.000 marketers follow his weekly updates. Click here to Follow Bram on LinkedIn.

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